Tuesday, August 4, 2015


This is a quick post before i ran out of wifi connection. Currently im in my house waiting for my mother to get ready because we have a date today. My internet quota has exceeded its limit so yeah this is my only chance. I cant wait to go out with my mom even though we are just going to buy some groveries for dinner because i dont have much time to spend with her anymore. Five months are not a long period of time.if not now then when. So i gotta go. Hopefully buying groceries can be a sweet memory for me and mama. Xoxo

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I hate it when i have written forever and the post is ready to be updated and then it went blank and i have to write all over again. This is not my first time😑.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Begin Again

More Vocabs

a system of flexible and informal organization and management in place of rigid bureaucracy

The need for informational flexibility undermines old organisational structures: adhocracy takes over as leaders seek to bypass hierarchies.

 of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain

It has also been pointed out that the laws in the Old Testament may be classified as either apodictic in form ("thou shalt…" or "thou shalt not…") or "casuistic" ("when a man…, he shall…").

 the quality of being hard to endure, uninviting or formidable

I dread the asperity of northern winters.

a state of supreme happiness or blessedness

His face had taken on the expression of imbecile beatitude the religious sometimes adopt.

 changeable; determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason

The capricious bride-to-be has a different church in mind for her wedding every few days.

. tending to find and call attention to faults

A captious attitude often causes difficulties in a relationship.

 easily moved to anger

Men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing.

goat's horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity; the property of being extremely abundant

This is a time of abundance when bird, beast and insect gather to share the cornucopia. 

 the unraveling of a plot or story; the outcome of a complex sequence of events

I waited by the eighteenth green with thousands of spectators to see the denouement.

adj. slow to act; intended to cause delay

The White House scolds Congress for being dilatory in finding cash for Panama and Nicaragua.

 the study of human settlements

In ekistics, the terms polis, metropolis, and megalopolis denote settlement populations of 75 thousand, 4 million, and 150 million, respectively.

To anybody familiar with the rudiments of ekistics the horrendous traffic jams were foreseeable.

 with little or no preparation or forethought

This is usually performed extempore, following the whims of the singer, musician and/or dancer.

fertility or productiveness

His work has been translated into over twenty languages and is a prime example of the brilliance and fecundity brought to the English novel by writers who have landed on these shores.

 relating to a dispossessed social class; a member of the crude and uneducated lowest class of society; mentally sluggish; misshapen and ponderous

Both families had been transformed from what might be called alumpen peasantry into what Marx did call the lumpen proletariat.
The nose was large and lumpen; the hair was stringy and unkempt.

dishonest; given to lying

The loss of confidence which set in after Stalingrad was not least a consequence of the totally misleading and outrightly mendaciousGerman propaganda which had preceded the catastrophe. 

 characteristic of a devil; wicked

His Mephistophelian eyes unsettled his teachers.

 having little or no value or importance

Social custom made this proviso almost nugatory.

person who begins to learn or study only late in life.

It was strange, yet refreshing, to see the opsimath working diligently in his study group with piers 50 years his junior.
bad-tempered, irritable, or very difficult and contrary.

Few took any notice of his complaints for he was well known around the village as the ornery old military man.

 superfluous or redundant (of a word or phrase); indolent; futile or functionless

The linking commentary is often otiose and always plonking.
Therefore, although there is a substantial overlap between section 1 and section 15, section 15 is not otiose. 

a petty misdeed, sin, offense, or foible

Equally if one lived in a society where everybody was constantly protesting against the smallest governmental peccadillo life would become intolerable. 

 transparent or clear (physically and metaphorically)

At the end of the garden, the waters of the stream that had risenpellucid at their source lay curdled.
Galbraith, as always, writes in pellucid prose.

 discerning and quick in perceiving

 the history or evolutionary development of something (especially a species)

The evolution of fins may also be traced across this phylogeny.

 boring, drawn out verbosity

Di Leonardo's personal secretary had issued a statement shortly after midday, a masterpiece of prolixity that took about five minutes to say that Ruggiero Miletti had been found dead and that another statement would be issued in due course.

an established rule, tradition, or custom

There are of course significant political differences between the USA and Italy, even though both come under the rubric of industrial capitalism. 

humorously mocking, scornful, or cynical

‘Separate rooms don't mean a thing,’ he retorted with a glimmer of a sardonic smile.

...a sardonic dismissal of the philologists of our time for their joy at capturing worms and their indifference to the true problems, the urgent problems of life.

n. delight taken in another's misfortune

This led to divorce from his wife, who could perhaps be permitted some Schadenfreude at the fact that Van Den Hauwe's relationship had, perforce, become platonic.

spending much time sitting and taking little exercise

He was forced by illness to lead a sedentary life.

 a person devoted to luxuries and sensual pleasures

He liked the good things of life but he was no sybarite.

 explanation of phenomena in terms of a design or end purpose rather than in terms of their causes

The teleology of evolution as a goal-seeking activity persists in indefensible form a hundred years later in the writing of biologists.

having a timid or fearful disposition

He had been a quiet, timorous boy until he discovered the excitement of chasing women.

 scathingly harsh; ferocious

He still took care to be rude and truculent at school to keep up appearances, but the old venom had faded. 

. fatty, oily, or greasy; excessively flattering, suave, or ingratiating

It's wonderful — richer and more unctuous — in stuffings or to flavour sauces where you would normally use lemon or lime.

He seemed anxious to please, but not in an unctuous way.

 an ointment used to soothe, heal, or lubricate

A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention.

adj. forgivable or pardonable

Half of the thousands of imprisoned debtors had been reduced to their state by venial errors or innocent misfortune.

green and lush with grass or other rich vegetation

Pompeii lay in verdant, wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus, goddess of fecundity, Hercules and Bacchus.

 a glass cabinet for displaying and protecting delicate items or specimens

The preserved corpse was subsequently recased in the nineteenth century in a glass-fronted mahogany vitrine.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Avengers age of ultron

Bricks mansion

Imitation game


Pitch perfect 2


Pre destination

Decommission is withdraw sth or smone from service

Lethal  is sufficient to cause death

Faggot is homosexual

Envied is a feeling belongs to someone else's

Barkeeps is a person who owns or serve drinks in a bar

Pouty is pushes one's bottom lip outward

Neurotics is suffering from neurosis

Reenlisted is enlist sgain in armed force

Decorum is behaviour of keeping a good taste or etiquette 

Exceptional is unusually good

Remarkable is worthy of attention

Covert is not openly acknowledged or displayed

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

From what i have read, here are some things that i learnt from the novel

  • Arguments quickly descend into hurt feelings about the way a point is being made, rather than its content. It is the uncaring sound of the point being made that is upsetting. Men do not see how much their comments hurt and provoke, because they focus on ‘the point’. Most arguments start because a woman expresses a worry over something and the man tells her that it is not worth worrying about. This invalidates her and she gets upset with him. He then gets mad because she seems to be getting angry at him for nothing. He will not say sorry for something he believes he has not done, so the initial argument goes into cruise control for hours or days. 
  • Men will argue because they do not feel trusted, admired, or encouraged and are not spoken to with a tone of trust and acceptance. Women will argue because they are not listened to or put high on a man’s list of priorities.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2000 words

Indicate is to be a sign of
His hesittion really indicates his doubt about the venture

Labour is to strive as towards goals
To labor for peace

Legislation is the act of making or enacting laws

Acquisition is the act of acquiring and gaining a posession
The acquisition of real estate

Distinction is the recognizing or noting the difference
He was abled to make a distinction between right or wrong

Perceived is to become aware of sth
 I perceived an object looming through the mist
I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice

Sought is seek iaitu to try discover by searching
She sought the truth befor shr interree

Compensation is sth given or servive as an equivalent for someone's lost ect
The insurance company paid him $2000 for the lost of his car

Consent is to approve
We asked her permission and she consented

Constraints the act of contraining, to force,
He was constrained toadmit the offense

Convention is a meeting or formal assembly
Our batch had a convention yesterday and i was absent

Coordination the state of being coordinated( to combine in harmonious relation)
The house is coordinated properly all by himself

Core is the most essential part of anything
Core is also a small company of a group of people 

Orientation is an introduction as to guide one in adjusting to new surrounding
An orientation was organised for the new students during their first week here

Emphasis is sth that is given great stress or importance
The President's statement gave emphasis to the budgetary crisis

Philosophy is the rational investigation of truth

Proportion is a part in its relation to the whole
A large proportion of debt remains

Reliance is confidence or trustful dependence or sth someone can rely on

Scheme is a plan, program, or policy officially adopted and followed, as by a government or business: The company's pension scheme is very successful.

Incentive is something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. 

Conference is a meeting for consultation or discussion: a conference between a student and his adviser.

Emerged is   Isto come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity: a ghost emerging from the grave; a ship emerging from the fog.

Imposed is to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc.: to impose taxes.

Outputs is the act of turning out; production: the factory's output of cars; artistic output.

Regime is a mode or system of rule or government: a dictatorial regime.

Retained is to continue to use, practice, etc.: to retain an old custom.

Undertaken is to take upon oneself, as a task, performance, etc.; attempt: She undertook the job of answering all the mail.

Alter is to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like; modify: to alter a coat; to alter a will; to alter course.

Amendment is a change made by correction, addition, or deletion: The editors made few amendments to the manuscript.

Consultation a meeting for deliberation, discussion, or decision.

Discretion is 
  1. the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice: It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay.
  2. the quality of being discreet, especially with reference to one's own actions or speech; prudence or decorum: Throwing all discretion to the winds, he blurted out the truth.

Fundamental is serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure.

Marginal is 
  1. the space around the printed or written matter on a page. 
  2. an amount allowed or available beyond what is actually necessary: to allow a margin for error.

Notion is 
  1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something: a notion of how something should be done.
  2. an opinion, view, or belief: That's his notion, not mine.

Arbitrary is 
  1. subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion: an arbitrary decision. 
  2. decided by judge or arbiter rather than by law or statute. 
  3. having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical: an arbitrary government. 
  4. capricious; unreasonable; unsupported: an arbitrary demand for payment
Decorum the quality of being decourous
Decourous is characterized by dignified propriety in conduct, manners, appearance, character, etc. 

Capricious is 
  1. subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.
  2. Obsolete. fanciful or witty.
Revenue is 
  1. the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources, appropriated to the payment of the public expenses. 
  2. the government department charged with the collection of such income. 
  3. revenues, the collective items or amounts of income of a person, a state, etc.

Transition is movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Aggregate is formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined: the aggregate amount of indebtedness.

Allocation is the state of to be set apart for a particular purpose; assign or allot: to allocate funds for new projects.

Cited Is to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited many instances of abuse of power.

Diversity is the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion.

Thereby is by that; by means of that. 

Preceding is 
  1. to go before, as in place, order, rank, importance, or time. 
  2. to introduce by something preliminary; preface: to precede one's statement with a qualification.
Preliminary is introductory

Presumption is an assumption, often not fully established, that is taken for granted in some piece of reasoning. 

Scope is 
  1. extent or range of view, outlook, application, operation, effectiveness, etc.: an investigation of wide scope
  2. to master; figure out: By the time we'd scoped out the problem, it was too late.

Subsidiary is 
  1. serving to assist or supplement; auxiliary; supplementary. 
  2. subordinate or secondary: subsidiary issues.

Underlying is
  1. lying or situated beneath, as a substratum. 
  2. fundamental; basic: the underlying cause of their discontent.
  3. implicit; discoverable only by close scrutiny or analysis: an underlying seriousness in his witticisms.
Substratum is something that is spread or laid under something else; a stratum or layer lying under another. 

  1. to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers.


  1. a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc. (usually followed by of ): an advocate of peace.
  2. a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor. 
  3. a person who pleads the cause of another in a court of law.

Comprehensive is of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive: a comprehensive study of world affairs.

Contrary is

1.  opposite in direction or position: departures in contrary directions.

2.  being the opposite one of two: I will make the contrary choice.

Qualitative is pertaining to or concerned with quality or qualities. 

Pertain is to have reference or relation; relate: documents pertaining to the lawsuit.

Empirical is 
  1. derived from or guided by experience or experiment. 
  2. depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, especially as in medicine.

Finite is
  1. having bounds or limits; not infinite; measurable;man is finite existence on Earth

Hierarchical is the characteristic of hierarchy
Hierarchy is 
  1. any system of persons or things ranked one above another. 
  2. government by ecclesiastical rulers. 
  3. the power or dominion of a hierarch.

Ecclesiastical is of or relating to the church or the clergy; churchly; clerical; not secular. 

Intervention is
  1. to come between disputing people, groups, etc.; intercede; mediate. 
  2. to occur or be between two things. 
  3. to occur or happen between other events or periods: Nothing important intervened between the meetings.

Paradigm is
  1. a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community. 
  2. such a cognitive framework shared by members of any discipline or group: the company’s business paradigm.

Solely is 
  1. as the only one or ones: solely responsible.
  2. exclusively or only: plants found solely in the tropics.
  3. merely: She wanted solely to get out of the house for a while.

Somewhat is 
  1. in somemeasure or degree; to some extent: not angry, just somewhat disturbed.

Transmission is 

1.  Machinery. transference of force between machines or mechanisms, often with changes of torque and speed. 
a compact, enclosed unit of gears or the like for this purpose, as in an automobile. 

2.  Radio and Television. the broadcasting of electromagnetic waves from one location to another, as from a transmitter to a receiver.

Ambiguous is 
  1. open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal: an ambiguous answer.
  2. Linguistics. (of an expression) exhibiting constructional homonymity; having two or more structural descriptions, as the sequence Flying planes can be dangerous.
  3. of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend, distinguish, or classify: a rock of ambiguous character.
  4. lacking clearness or definiteness; obscure; indistinct: an ambiguous shape; an ambiguous future.

Bias is
  1. a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned: illegal bias against older job applicants; the magazine’s bias toward art rather than photography;our strong bias in favor of the idea.

Commodity is
  1. an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service. 
  2. something of use, advantage, or value.

Complement is
  1. something that completes or makes perfect: A good wine is a complement to a good meal.
  2. the quantity or amount that completes anything: We now have a full complement of packers.

Contradiction is the act
  1. to deny, dispute, or contradict. 
  2. to speak or act against; oppose. 

Deviation is 
  1. to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc. 
  2. to depart or swerve, as from a procedure, course of action, or acceptable norm. 
  3. to digress, as from a line of thought or reasoning.

Exploitation is
  1. use or utilization, especially for profit: the exploitation of newly discovered oil fields.
  2. selfish utilization: He got ahead through the exploitation of his friends.

Fluctuation is 
  1. continual change from one point or condition to another. 
  2. wavelike motion; undulation. 
  3. Genetics. a body variation due to environmental factors and not inherited.

Implicit is
  1. implied, rather than expressly stated: implicit agreement.
  2. unquestioning or unreserved; absolute: implicit trust; implicit obedience; implicit confidence.
  3. potentially contained (usually followed by in ): to bring out the drama implicit in the occasion.

Inevitably is
  1. unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary: an inevitable conclusion.
  2. sure to occur, happen, or come; unalterable: The inevitable end of human life is death.

Infrastructure is
  1. the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization. 
  2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools. 
  3. the military installations of a country.

Offset is
  1. something that counterbalances, counteracts, or compensates for something else; compensating equivalent. 
  2. the start, beginning, or outset.

Practitioner is 
  1. a person engaged in the practice of a profession, occupation, etc.: a medical practitioner.
  2. a person who practices something specified. 
  3. Christian Science. a person authorized to practice healing.

  1. having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others; preeminent. 
  2. preponderant; prominent: a predominant trait; the predominant color of a painting.

1.  distributed over a wide region, or occurring in many places or among many persons or individuals: widespread poverty.

  1. having analogy; corresponding in some particular: A brain and a computer are analogous.
  2. Biology. corresponding in function, but not evolved from corresponding organs, as the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird.
Analogy is
1.  similarity or comparability: I see no analogy between your problem and mine.

Coherence  is the act of
  1. to stick together; be united; hold fast, as parts of the same mass: The particles of wet flour cohered to form a paste.
  2. Physics. (of two or more similar substances) to be united within a body by the action of molecular forces. 
  3. to be naturally or logically connected: Without sound reasoning no argument will cohere.
  4. to agree; be congruous: Her account of the incident cohered with his.

Concurrent is happening at the same time
There are three concurrent art fairs around the city

Distortion is alteration of original shape

Inherent is existing as sth permanent

Insight is a deep understanding of a person or thing

Integral is sth necessary to make a whole complete

Mediation is an intervention in a dispute in order to resolve sth

Dispute is a disagreement,argument or debate

 Norm is something that is usual, typical or standard

Restraints is the action of keeping someone or sth under control

Rigid is not able to be changed

Unified is make or become united

Adjacent is next to or adjoining something else

Albeit is although

Colleagues a person with whom ones work, especially i business

Conceived is become pregnant or to imagine

Forthcoming is plan for or about to happen in near future

Inclination is a person's natural tendency to act in his own way

Intrinsic is belonging naturally or essential

Invoked is an appeal to someone as an authority of an action or to be summoned

Nonetheless is nevertheless

Reluctant is unwilling

Hurrah is used to express joy "Hurrah!"

Hindrance is a thing that provides resistance or delay

Cowardice is lack of bravery

Nuisance is a person or thing causing annoyance or inconvenience

Pretense is a false diaplay of feeling

Ditch is a narrow channel dug in the ground or end of someone's relationship

Hasten is be quick to do sth

Imitate is take or follow as a model/copy

Scorn is a feeling or belief that someone or sth is worthless or rejecting sth

Gaiety is the state of being cheerful

Oar is a pole with flat blade(pedal kayak)

Beak is a magistrate or a schoolmaster

Accustom is make someone or sth be used to

Weave is forming thread into fabric by interlacing

Solemn is 

Imitation is a thing intended to copy sth else

Idle is not active or in use/spend time doing nothing/lazy

Tremble is shake involuntarily

Avenue is a broad road in a town or city, typically having trees in intervals

Urge is trying to persuade someone or trying to encourage

Yield is provide or produce 

Commerce is social dealing with ppl or sexual intercourse

Virtue is behaviour showing high moral standards

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Art Of War

Dismayed is kecewa
It was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London was interested, and the fashionable world dismayed by the murder of

Commence is bermula 
The story commences

Astir is bangun tidur
All the world is awake and astir 

Commoner is a person who is not born into a position of high social rank
The princess' children have no titles because their father is a commoner

Devotee is a person who strongly admires a particular person
He is a great devotee of Lady Gaga

Glimpse is sepintas lalu or to see sth/someone for a short time
We glimpsed the garden from  the window of the car

Mufti is pakaian biasa bagi orang yg selalu pakai uniform/ ordinary clothes worn by ppl who usually wear uniform
The admiral arrives in mufti

Sane is having healthy mind or tak sakit
The only thing that keeps me sane after a hard day in the class is jogging 

Loafer is a type of leather shoe
He is wearing a pair of loafer
Loafer is also known as lazy person
Jimbo is an idle loafer

Idle is lazy
He is just bone lazy(very lazy)

Zealously is showing zeal
The country was extremely zealous

Melancholy is a feeling of pensive sadness
A shade of melancholy gathering on his face

Pasture is an area covered with grass
Brien has two sheep that can eat his pasture in 10 days

Excursion is a short trip 
We went on an excursion to centre of the earth yesterday

Forcible is an act done by force
Forcible entry into the house

Magnanimous is very forgiving or generous
Miss Jo was magnanimous towards her students

Oblivion is the state of being forgotten
His death was buried in oblivion

Miserable is sedih dan tidak gembira
Their happiness made wan even more miserable

Dread is great fear or apprehension
I dread to think what Hussel will say

Appalling is horror atau teruk
I watched a movie with my girlfriend but she didnt like it because the movie was appalling

Fiddlestick is sikit pun/ a bit
I dont care a fiddlestick about them

Alight is to settle or stay after descending
The birds alighted on the tree

Evanesce is hilang or to disappear gradually
She might evanesce at any moment

Pluvial is rainy
The geologist predicted that tomorrow will be a pluvial day

Halberd is a combined spear
He sets up the halberd and battleaxes in order to begin the war

Assented is an expression of approval and agreement
"When i say hey you must lift your hands up okay",said mayor and the girl assented

Bade is past of bid
He then bade them all would drink the milo in two seconds

Concubine is a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than a wife
Adriyana is one of the king's favourite concubines

Affirmative is agreeing with a statement or a request
He accepted her reply as an affirmative

Peruse is read
He has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues

Whereupon is which
He qualified in February,whereupon he was promoted to be a sergeant

Executed is carry out or carry out in a sentence of death
His princess was about to be executed

Savor is taste(good food or drink) and enjoy it conpletely
Our food and drinks will lose their savor

Commission is a command
Amit received king's commission to be the general
Commission is also a group of people officially charged in a function
The United Nation High Commission for refugees

Venture is dare to do sth or go somewhere that may be dangerous
She ventured out into the blizzard

Utter is making sound or say sth aloud
He uttered an exasperated  snort

Sovereign noun is a supreme ruler or a monarch or ultimate power
They must do what their sovereign desire
Sovereign adjective is very effective
A sovereign remedy for all ills

Bid is an offer for sth especially at an auction
The king bids that the slaves won't disobey 

Cease is bring or come to an end or hentikan
Let our general cease the drilling and return to the camp

Inspect is look at sth closely
The sergeant inspect his troops

Fond is affectionate or loving 
The king is only fond of words and cannot expressed it through deeds

Appointed is assign a job
They appointed her as personnel manager

Biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else
The king's biography is written by Paolo

Descendant is a person,plant or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor
He proceeds to give a biography of his descendant who had died last year

Ancestor is a person typically one more remote than a parent
His ancestor gives him the sacred invisible ring because he is the eldest of them all

Bestow is to present a gift
The trophy was bestowed upon the winner
Wanke was the nickname bestowed on him

Treacherous is deceptive, untrustworthy or dangerous
The admiral was in doubt of his treacherous rival as he was once betrayed by his brother

Rival is a person who is competing for the same goal
Arthur begins the war without rivals

Reign is to hold royal office or to he the best or important in a particular area
Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK
In the third year of his reign, Tsun Szu....

Meditating is think deeply or focus on one's mind for a period of time
He meditates for the whole day to release his stress

Grasp is to hold or grip
He grasps the rope firmly
Grasping is also greedy
The rumprlstiltskin is grasping and greedy

Covetous is showing a great desire to possess something
Chu is grasping and covetous

Grudge is a feeling of ill and resentment  
Tang and ting both have grudge against the king

Pitched is to set up
He needs to beat the great Azuma in a pitched up battle

Arose is to get up from sitting or to move forward
The number of soldier arose

Personage is a character of importance
World has no doubt of Sun Wu as an historical personage

Contemporaries is a person of the same age as another
He had previously lived a retired life, and his contemporaries were unaware of his abilities

Perversity is persistent or obstinate on what is wrong/rejecting what is right
When the sovereign and ministers show perversity of mind, it is impossible for Sun Tzu to encounter the foe

Foe is a person who feels enmity,hatred or malice towards another
Even though he is my friend but he is also my political foe

Miscellaneous is element of different kinds
He spent the rest of his salary on miscellaneous expenses

Inarticulated is cant utter a word or speechless
Syahir was inarticulated as he was scolded by his father

Hitherto is until now
His pictures in instagram are genuine as hitherto no doubt has been cast upon him

Latter is last mentioned or at the end of the year
The project had low cash flow in its latter year

Fomented is to investigate 
His action of rebellion  was being fomented by the kindred of Hu

 Kindred is relationship by blood or similar in kind
He was caught by the kindred if King Luter

Chronological is relating to the time and date sequence
The entries are in chronological order

Whence  is from what place
Whence did you come is correct 
From whence did you come is considered as redundant

Tempted is to attract strongly
The offer tempts me

Morale emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence
Admiral drained the morale of his troop

Accord is to agree
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their sovereign

Dismay is to break down the courage completely 
They will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger

Wavering is to become unsteady or to show doubt
When she heard the news her courage wavered

Comprises is consist of
The school editorial board comprises journalist,editor and photographer

Cardinal is the prime importance
The five cardinal virtues of Chinese

Virtues is excellence
Virtue is also virginity
To lose one's virtue

Marshalling is to place in proper desired order
King doesn't know how to marshal a battle

Subdivide is to divide that has already been divided into smaller parts
Merlin arranged the army in proper subdivision

Deliberation is a careful consideration before decision 
Therefore,in your deliberation,let them be made the basis of comparison

Rigorously is exact or accurate or precise
Tsun Szu discipline is the most rigorously enforced

Disciplinarian is the person who enforces or advocates discipline
He was a strict disciplinarian once

Accordance is agreement
In accordance with the regulation

Curt is rudely brief in speech
His comment on the present passage is characteristically curt

Mustering is to assemble troops
The officers will be so nervous when mustering for battle
Muster is also to gather
He mustered all of his strength

Constancy is the quality of being unchanging or unwavering as purpose love or loyalty
His army has the greatest constancy

Certainty is the state of being free from doubt
I suspect it but i don't know for a certainty

Merit is the quality of being particularly good or worthy
The book"s only merit is its sincerity

Misdeed is a wicked or illegal act
Merit will be rewarded and misdeeds summarily punished

Forecast is predict or estimate a future event or trend
I can forecast victory or defeat

Hearkens is to listen
He hearkens to Thomas" words of wisdom

Treatise is a written work dealing formally and systematically
Sun Tzu's treatise was composed expressly

Avail is use or take advantage of an opportuity\
My daughter did not avail herself of my advice
The dark and narrow hiding place did not avail to save the fugitives

Counsel is to give advice to someone
he was counseled by his supporters to return to Germany

Warfare is armed conflict between two massed enemies
the army must be guided to win in actual warfare

Cavalry is soldier who fought on horseback(in the past
Cavalry is soldiers who fight in armored vehicles
Lord Umbridge was commanding the cavalry to go to the Lake Washington

Morrow is the following day or near future
His plan and calculation are for the morrow

Deception is the action of deceiving someone
All warfare is based on deception

Pithy is concise and forcefully expressive
The truth of this pithy and profound saying  will be admitted by every soldier

Profound is the state of very intense
Profound is also a subject is having or showing great knowledge or insight
A profound philosopher

Entice is attract or tempt by offering or advantage
A show that should entice a new audience into the theater
The whole purpose of bribe is to entice governments to act against the public interest

Feign is to pretend to be affected by(a feeling,state or injury)/invent a story
She feigned nervousness

Choleric is bad-tempered or irritable
If your opponent is of choleric temper,seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak that he may grow arrogant.

Adversary is opponent
Davis beats his old adversary in the quarterfinals

Immobility is not moving or mitionless
She sat immobile for a long time

Pouncing is spring or swoop suddenly so as to attack or seize someone to catch prey
Pounce also means notice and take swift ad eager advantage of a mistake,remark, or sign of weakness
She looked like a vulture waiting to pounce
Reporters who are just eager to pounce on a gaffe as on a significant news story

Gaffe is a social blunder, faux pas

Blunder is a gross,stupid, or careless mistake
That is your second blunder this morning

Vulture is a person or thing that preys,especially greedily or unscrupulously

Unscrupulously is not punctiliously or minutely careful,precise or exact

Tire is exhaust the patience or interest
Waiting for the enemy tire himself out

Lure is tempting to attract sth
The lure of a better-paid job
The child was lured to the car but managed to escape

Plausible is seeming reasonable
It seems plausible that one or two things may happen

Divulged is make known of sensitive information
I am too much of a gentleman to divulge her age

Ere is before in time
I was driven for some half mile ere we stopped
He died ere the battle is fought

Foresee is be aware of beforehand,predict.
It is impossible to foresee how life will work out

Swift is happening quickly or promptly
A remarkable swift recovery

Promptly is quick or alert/ ready in action/without delay

Mail-clad is mail cloth
A hundred mail-clad soldiers

Probable is
1. person who is likely to become or do sth
2. the case or to happen
This war seems to be hardly probable
Mior and Afiq are probables

Battalion is a large body of troops ready for battle
The whole army would be divided up into a thousand battalions

Provision is 
1. a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
2. a supply of something

Ardor is a great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion: She spoke persuasively and with ardor

Protracted is to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of; prolong.

Damped is
1.  unenthusiastic; dejected; depressed: The welcoming committee gave them a rather damp reception.
2. wet; damp clothes

Strain is
1. to draw tight or taut, especially to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain rope. 
2. to pour liquid through a filter

Extremity is 
1. the terminal point, limit, or part of something. 
2. extremities. the end part limb, as a hand or foot: to experience cold in one's extremities.

Avert is 
  1. to turn away or aside: to avert one's eyes.
  2. to ward off; prevent: to avert evil; to avert an accident.
Ensue is 
  1. to follow in order; come afterward, especially in immediate succession: As the days ensued, he recovered his strength.
  2. to follow as a consequence; result: When those two friends meet, a battle of wits ensues.

Haste is
  1. swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
  2. urgent need of quick action; a hurry or rush: to be in haste to get ahead in the world.
  3. unnecessarily quick action; thoughtless, rash, or undue speed: Haste makes waste.

Exchequer is often initial capital letter the governmental department in charge of the public revenues

Insures is to guarantee against loss or harm

Ingenious is characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction: an ingenious machine.

Injudicious is showing lack of judgment; unwise; imprudent; indiscreet: an injudicious decision.

Tardiness is
  1. late; behind time; not on time: How tardy were you today?
  2. moving or acting slowly; slow; sluggish. 
  3. delaying through reluctance.

  1. to reduce to poverty: a country impoverished by war.
  2. to make poor in quality, productiveness, etc.; exhaust the strength or richness of: Bad farming practices impoverished the soil.
Poverty the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.

Moot open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: a moot point

Reversal is an act or instance of reversing

Presumption is an assumption, often not fully established, that is taken for granted in some piece of reasoning.

Acquainted brought into social contact; made familiar: people acquainted through mutual friends.

  1. the part of a country that borders another country; boundary; border. 
  2. the land or territory that forms the furthest extent of a country's settled or inhabited regions. 
Audacious is 
  1. extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: an audacious explorer.
  2. extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: an audacious vision of the city's bright future.
Superiority is the quality or condition of being superior